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How to Listen

How to Listen

Peaks Island Radio is free and over the air on AM 1700 on Peaks Island, Maine. If you want higher fidelity or are away from the island, check out our live stream in the menu bar. You can download the Live365 app and favorite the station to take us on the go, too.

AM 1700

Peaks Island Radio is freely available on the AM band thanks to a carve out in the FCC regulations under what’s known as “Part 15.” Part 15 regulates unlicensed radio transmissions and is what things like baby monitors and bluetooth are permitted under.

This is by no means a long-range listening solution. Part 15 allows radiating signals of 100 mW (that’s milliwatts) and covers a quarter of a mile reliably. If you’re not on Peaks, this isn’t a way to listen to our station, and even if you are, you’re better off listening online than on the AM signal. I personally like driving to the boat with the radio on, and you may find this a fun way to listen as well.

So why AM?

Under Part 15, you need to operate at extremely low power. Since FM is less efficient than AM, even though the sound quality is better, you can get a maximum range of about 200 feet under a legal Part 15 station. However, AM transmissions can reach around a 1/2 mile radius – perfect for our island home.

Improving Your Reception and Sound

Our AM frequency is relatively uncluttered and unburdened by some of the things that affect larger, commercial AM stations. That being said, if you’re having trouble tuning it, there are some things you can do. First, add an inexpensive AM antenna to your receiver. There’s probably dozens if not hundreds floating around the island on old receivers as it is, but you can also order them online from Amazon here.

Looking to get the best analog sound you can? Here are some guides to excellent AM receivers – both handheld for a walk to the beach, and table top for at home listening.

Guide to AM portables

Guide to improving AM reception – scan for interesting tips, including outdoor antennas (either a roof one, or a simple wire).

Online Stream

If you’re listening from home, you can stream over your home internet connection through any device – check out the options on the right. You can download the mobile app, too, but please note that audio streaming does require data usage from your phone if you are not on a wifi signal.

On Air