Patty MacRae will be at the Crow’s Nest from July 5th through 12th sharing wisdom, teaching yoga, and introducing ancient healing...
Tom Faux joins me to talk about the Faux Fiestas Family Band performance at the Fifth Maine on July 7, 2023 from 7-8:30 PM. The show is...
Almost all of us carry a good camera in our pocket – on our smartphone. But some people take iphone photography to a whole new level. One...
Katie McNally speaks with me about her latest band, the Pine Tree Flyers, a New England contradance band, in preparation for their upcoming...
Chris talks with Elsie Gawler about her musical family and blending traditional music.
About 100 people turned out to celebrate Emergence on Saturday night at New Brackett Church. When Judy Fitch first solicited volunteers...
Judy Fitch talks with me about the portrait project she launched this winter with approximately 30 women living on Peaks Island. The goal:...
The Oldhat String Band, led by Steve and Whitney Roy, plays at the Long Winter’s Night Concert Series February 17th at 7:00 pm at the New...
I recently learned that Sarah Goodman Cuetara, who many know as a Peaks Islander, has been diligently working on a new independent...
This podcast features stories and interviews about Peaks Island People and events. It’s part of our 24 hour, seven day a week station which...