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Hanneke Cassel Long Winter’s Night Concert

In this episode, I speak with Hanneke Cassel who is returning to Peaks Island for the Long Winter’s Night Concert Series with Keith Murphy. Hanneke talks about what you can expect to hear at the concert, how she got into fiddle music, and how...


Evie Ladin Discusses Upcoming Concert On Peaks

Today I’m pleased to be joined by Evie Ladin, world-class banjo player and musician. Evie’s coming to Peaks on March 29th as part of the Long Winter’s Night Concert Series at the New Brackett Church at 7pm. In this interview, we talk about Evie’s...


Peaks Spring Hop with Danielle and Sage

I had an absolutely delightful conversation with Danielle Madore and Sage Hayes discussing the Spring Hop dance at New Brackett Church. The dance will benefit the arts community on Peaks. We also looked at some big picture ways to strengthen...


The Trunk Show Takes the Stage

Peaks Island presents the Trunk Show at the Playhouse at the Lions Club, Thursday August 17, 2023 at 6:30 pm. Admission is free and donations to the Lions Club Scholarship Fund are strongly encouraged. In this episode, you'll hear from the...

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