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About Us

About Us

Peaks Island Radio is truly local radio – made by the community for the community.

When you turn on Peaks Island Radio, over the air on AM 1700 or our online stream, you’ll hear voices from around the island. Whether it’s the latest island news and information or an interview with one of our long-time residents, you can expect that “island feel.” Even our music shows are locally produced and selected.

Our Island shows range from book previews and interviews from island authors, island history with our museum curators and long-time residents, artist talks and poetry readings. We even keep you informed with a range of perspectives on the full range of public affairs issues affecting the island, plus monthly check-ins with our state representatives and city councilors.

Our full programming is locally-made. Sure, we love music from all over the country, but you’ll notice some familiar Maine and island musicians in our programs, too.

You don’t need to wait for this tailor-made content, either. We’ve sprinkled previews and bite-sized portions all throughout the day – do you think any other radio station that does that? That’s what makes us Peaks Island Radio.

Part 15 Certified Transmitter

How do we make Peaks Island Radio work? We transmit over the air on AM 1700 on Peaks Island through the use of a ChezRadio Procaster Part 15 Certified AM transmitter. It is a certified, legal way to broadcast without an FCC license – perfect for communities about a mile radius, like we are!

On Air