Portland holds City Charter Commission elections on Tuesday June 8, 2021. Voting takes place in the Community Center from 6:45 am until 8:00 pm.
I spoke with Peter McLaughlin of the Peaks Island Council about what the issues are in this seemingly run-of-the-mill process. As it turns out – quite a lot. From whether to strengthen the mayor’s role to how city council districts are apportioned and more, the Charter is our City’s founding document.
If you want to hear from the candidates directly, here is the link to the candidate forums hosted by PIC and moderated by Peter: Charter Candidate Forums.
The pre-episode content you heard is our island update. I’m experimenting with doing “dynamic insertion” of the weekly island update/community calendar. Most of the time, this technology is used for ads, but because we are proudly listener-supported, we can put it to better use for listeners. Let me know what you think at chris (at) peaksislandradio (dot) com.
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